Sunday, February 24, 2013

Decision NOT Yet Made

The most important item to note about this article is that THE DECISION IS NOT YET MADE concerning the proposed trash and recycle center on SW 290 Street and SW 202 Avenue.

According to the Miami Herald site, this article re-published here was originally published on Wednesday, February 20th, 2013. This article was re-published in the Miami Herald's Neighbors Section on Sunday, February 24th, 2013. If the link is still active, the original can be found here:

Article as shown:


County puts brakes on plans for Redland trash center



Miami-Dade County is putting the brakes on plans for a new trash and recycling center for Redland.
Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s office said Monday that he has directed county Solid Waste Management officials to reconsider the proposed site, at Southwest 202nd Avenue and 290th Street, and look for a different place for the center.
The decision comes after about 50 Redland residents objected to the project at a Jan. 17 meeting at Fruit and Spice Park.
The county says the center would provide a convenient place for residents to drop off yard waste, unwanted appliances, electronics, tires, furniture and other bulky items. Officials want the to ensure that all county residents have a place to drop off large items within five miles of their homes.
But in the Redland, where homes are on multi-acre lots scattered among plant nurseries, this convenience is neither needed nor wanted, residents said.
The residents think that the center would bring traffic, pollution and a bad smell to the area.
Patricia Milone, a Redland resident who has been active in opposing the center, said she hopes the mayor’s decision means no such facility is coming to her area.
But the mayor’s office said a decision has not yet been made.

Read more here:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Letter from Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos A. Gimenez

The following email was received on February 14th, 2013. 
This is not the end of the proposed site, but a re-evaluation of this proposed site for the West South West Trash and Recycle Center.

Re: Proposed West Southwest Neighborhood Trash and Recycling Center

Dear Southwest Miami-Dade Resident:

Thank you for offering your thoughts and concerns regarding the potential development of a Neighborhood Recycling Center (TRC) at SW 202nd Avenue and 290th Street.  I want to assure the community that a concerted effort was made by County’s Public Works and Waste Management Department (PWWM) to inform area residents about its plans for the TRC, but I understand that many of you feel the two (2) publicly noticed meetings held on December 12, 2012 and January 16, 2013 at Fruit and Spice Park were inadequate.

Having read your letters and email messages, and in consultation with your district Commissioner Lynda Bell,  I have decided to have the PWWM re-evaluate the location chosen for the proposed TRC and determine if another more suitable site is available that better conforms to County policy.  Therefore, the third and final public outreach meeting scheduled for March 20, 2013, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the South Dade Government Center, Room 203, 10710 SW 211th Street, has been cancelled. Your County Commissioner, Vice-Chair Lynda Bell, listened closely to the strong objections of the residents of the area, and has worked with my office to satisfy the requests of her constituents and the needs of the Department to find an equitable solution for everyone.  The information gathered at the previous meetings will be kept on file.

Again, thank you for participating in the Government Facilities process and rest assured that any future plans for TRC development in the Southwest area will be fully shared with you at the earliest possible time.


Carlos A. Gimenez, Mayor
Miami-Dade County

cc:   Honorable Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa and Members,
           Board of County Commissioners
      Alina T. Hudak, Deputy Mayor
      Kathleen Woods-Richardson, Director,
           Public Works and Waste Management Department

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blueprint Maps of Proposed West South West Trash and Recycle Center

Blueprint aerial plans.

Maps were provided by the office of Commissioner Linda Bell as PDFs (portable document files).

Screen shots of the PDFs were included in this blog post and on the blog page. The details in the PDFs are slightly better (but not much). 
Blueprint plans.

Map of area that is to be serviced by
 West South West Trash and Recycle Center.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Well Water Concerns

During the January 16th meeting, numerous citizens voiced concerns over the contamination of well water. Most of the area called Redlands, Florida, is serviced by water from wells on individual properties. 

The group from Public Works said that the plans for this West South West Trash and Recycle Center were part of the Miami Dade County Development Master Plan. 

The question that arises after the brief research outlined below is:
How is the county handling water supply and waste water treatment from the facility, which includes storm run off, to keep waste water out of our well supply?

When blog author called Commissioner Bell's office to ask about city water lines planned for the Redlands area, the office said that Miami Dade County has NO plans to provide city water lines to the Redlands Area at any time. This means that the Redlands will continue using well water. 

The CDMP expresses the County’s general objectives and policies addressing where and how it intends development or conservation of land and natural resources will occur during the next ten to twenty years, and the delivery of County services to accomplish the Plan’s objectives. It provides for "sustainable development" - allowing for land capacity to meet projected needs, preservation of wetlands and agricultural areas and protection of (drinkable) water well fields.
The CDMP establishes the broad parameters for government to do detailed land use planning and zoning activities, functional planning and programming of infrastructure and services. As such, it is a framework for use by other programs to be developed to support it's long-range planning goals. For each of the master plan elements, there are goals, objectives and policies, measures to be monitored and maps of planned future facilities.
Link to more about CDMP is here: 
The CDMT has about water conservation:
New water supply or wastewater collection lines should not be extended to provide service to land within areas designated Agriculture, Open Land, or Environmental Protection on the Land Use Plan map. New water or wastewater lines to serve land within these areas should be approved or required only where the absence of the facility would result in an imminent threat to public health or safety. The use of on- site facilities should be given priority consideration. In all cases, facilities should be sized only to service the area where the imminent threat would exist, to avoid inducing additional urban development in the area. This policy will not preclude federal, State or local long-range planning or design of facilities to serve areas within the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) or Urban Expansion Area (UEA). Public health and safety determinations will be made in accordance with Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (Environmental Protection) and Section 2-103.20, et seq., (Water Supply for Fire Suppression) Code of Miami-Dade County.

More about this can be found here: 

Most of the Redlands is considered Agricultural:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Where and When Were the Public Notices?

A number of people at the January 16th, 2013 meeting were notified by neighbors about the proposed West Southwest West Trash and Recycle Center. They were completely caught unawares. No one had seen the public notices.

This blog author requested copies of these notices. 

The notices were published in the Miami Herald on the following dates:
December 2nd, 2012, Sunday
January 3rd, 2013, Thursday, in Spanish El Nuevo Herald
January 6th, 2013, Sunday

Friday, February 1, 2013

Homestead Is Home Blog Post

Originally published by Homestead is Home Blog.

TRASH IS TRASH -- Anyone ever live or work near Doral dump?
Redland residents don’t want bulk-trash drop-off center Residents said the proposed project would bring a bad smell, traffic and groundwater pollution. By Janey Tate Miami-Dade Waste Management officials say a new Neighborhood Trash and Recycling Center would be a convenience for residents in the Redland area of deep South Dade, a place to drop off yard waste, unwanted appliances, electronics, tires furniture and other bulky items. The proposed center, on 10 acres at Southwest 202nd Avenue and 290th Street, would accept no regular garbage. But Redland residents aren’t convinced. About 50 people crowded into a small meeting room at Fruit and Spice park Thursday night and gave county officials a clear message: We don’t want it.

To read more, which is a repeat of the Miami Herald article, please click on this sentence or copy and paste the link: