Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Emailed Meeting Notice March, 2013

Received via email, 1/28/13

Good afternoon,

As a result of the public input process required for the proposed Trash and Recycling Center in the vicinity of SW 202 Avenue and 290 Street, the Public Works and Waste Management Department has indicated that there will a 3rd Public Community Meeting.  Please read below.

The next public meeting to discuss the proposed West Southwest Trash and Recycling Center will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 in Room 203 of the South Dade Government Center, 10710 SW 211 Street, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 

The Community meeting will be conducted to provide area property owners with information related to the proposed TRC.  The plans, maps, drawings and other pertinent information will be available for public review from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. the day of the meeting.  The first part of the Community Meeting will provide an opportunity for attendees to view the plans and to discuss the project with Public Works and Waste Management staff.  During the second part, which is expected to begin at 7:30 p.m., there will be a brief presentation of the proposed project, followed by a questions and answer period for the remainder of the meeting.

Residents with questions about the proposed TRC or the March 20th meeting can call 305-514-6653 or send inquiries via email to the Public Works and Waste Management mailbox atpwwm@miamidade.gov.

Newspapers ads announcing the March 20th meeting will be placed in the Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald and the South Dade News Leader prior to the meeting.  The meeting will also be noticed on the County Calendar.  Prior to the March 20, 2013 meeting, the Public Works and Waste Management Department will mail a meeting notice to households within a 1-mile radius of location of the proposed TRC.  Commissioner Bell will also be sending e-mail notifications to those that provided an (legible) e-mail on the sign in sheet at the 2nd Community Meeting.

If you have questions about this subject, contact the Public Works Department 305-514-6653 or the Office of Vice Chair Lynda Bell at any of the numbers below.

Thank you,

Johanna Faddis, Legislative Director

Vice Chair Lynda Bell
Main Office (305) 375-5218
District Office (305) 378-6677
"Delivering Excellence Every Day"